🧠 Increase Focus & Memory*
Lion's Mane contains a unique group of chemicals known as hericenones and erinacines. These compounds have been shown to improve focus, memory function in addition to mood!
🔥 Reduce & Relieve Inflammation*
The blend of mushrooms we use in our supplements is rich with anti-inflammatory components like polysaccharides, phenolic and indol compounds mycosteroids fatty acids carotenoids vitamins biometals.
😊 Improve Gut Health*
The Turkey Tail included in our blend is a great source of nutrients for your gut bacteria. It has been shown to improve the balance in good microbes, while also providing you with more energy!
🛡️ Boost Immunity*
With our mushroom blend, you'll be able to supercharge your immune system with powerful polysaccharides and bioactive chemicals.